A home sale of 610 PAGE AVENUE located in Tottenville, Staten Island NY 10307 and was recorded publicly on 10/14/2004. Public records show The real estate classification of the property is noted as a one-family home. The house block is 7786 and lot is 116. The home's estimated living space is 3,760 square feet on 20,500 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 2005 and sold for $499,900

Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data

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A luxury home sale of 19 LEONELLO LANE located in Tottenville, Staten Island NY 10307 and was recorded publicly on 1/12/2004. Public records show The real estate classification of the property is noted as a one-family home. The house block is 7775 and lot is 183. The home's estimated living space is 5,630 square feet on 9,537 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 2002 and sold for $1,170,988

Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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A luxury home sale of 15 LEONELLO LANE located in Tottenville, Staten Island NY 10307 and was recorded publicly on 7/9/2004. Public records show The real estate classification of the property is noted as a one-family home. The house block is 7775 and lot is 183. The home's estimated living space is 5,630 square feet on 9,537 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 2002 and sold for $1,883,762

Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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A home sale of 24 OTTAVIO PROMENADE located in Tottenville, Staten Island NY 10307 and was recorded publicly on 9/9/2004. Public records show The real estate classification of the property is noted as a one-family home. The house block is 7775 and lot is 172. The home's estimated living space is 6,970 square feet on 11,025 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 2003 and sold for $1,221,900.

Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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A home sale of 44 OTTAVIO PROMENADE located in Tottenville, Staten Island NY 10307 and was recorded publicly on 5/26/2004. Public records show The real estate classification of the property is noted as a one-family home. The house block is 7775 and lot is 126. The home's estimated living space is 7,300 square feet on 11,377 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 2002 and sold for N/A*.

Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data

* Homes that show N/A as a sale price means the home transferred at the time of closing without money consideration.

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A home sale of 53 OTTAVIO PROMENADE located in Tottenville, Staten Island NY 10307 and was recorded publicly on 5/7/2004. Public records show The real estate classification of the property is noted as a one-family home. The house block is 7775 and lot is 48. The home's estimated living space is 6,300 square feet on 10,065 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 2004 and sold for $1,200,535.This is considered a luxury home.

Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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A home sale of 38 ENDVIEW STREET located in Annadale, Staten Island NY 10312 and was recorded publicly on 4/14/2004. Public records show The real estate classification of the property is noted as a one-family home. The house block is 6220 and lot is 62. The home's estimated living space is 1,648 square feet on 1,816 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 2003 and sold for $364,939.

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A home sale of 36 ENDVIEW STREET located in Annadale, Staten Island NY 10312 and was recorded publicly on 3/26/2004. Public records show The real estate classification of the property is noted as a one-family home. The house block is 6220 and lot is 61. The home's estimated living space is 1,648 square feet on 1,816 square feet of land. The new construction date of this house was recorded in 2003 and sold for $364,939.

Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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A home sale of 34 ENDVIEW STREET located in Annadale, Staten Island NY 10312 and was recorded publicly on 4/19/2004. Public records show The real estate classification of the property is noted as a one-family home. The house block is 6220 and lot is 60. The home's estimated living space is 1,648 square feet on 1,816 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 2003 and sold for $351,966.

Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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A home sale of 32 ENDVIEW STREET located in Annadale, Staten Island NY 10312 and was recorded publicly on 4/16/2004. Public records show The real estate classification of the property is noted as a one-family home. The house block is 6220 and lot is 59. The home's estimated living space is 1,648 square feet on 1,816 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 2003 and sold for $364,939.

Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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