Just like any life situation, there are mistakes that happen. Here is a list of some common things that can go wrong that we want you to avoid. 

Cold Feet- Feeling remorse about a big purchase, like a new home, is common. An agent can provide consoling and help the buyers avoid making any mistakes or do something they’ll regret. 

Home Inspections- Once a home inspector points out the problems, it is important you do not panic. All homes, even new, have their snags. Be reasonable with the repairs and credit request. 

Mortgage Ioan Rejection- Buyers may not know, but any large purchases while waiting for a mortgage loan to close can increase their debt rate. Do not take out any loans or make big purchases while waiting to close the sale of your new…

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Should you rent a home or buy it? It is a question we will or have asked ourselves before. We set up a list to help you determine what category you belong in.

Reasons to Rent

  • Discover- Renting a home before buying it allows you to explore the house, the neighborhood, and the area. If you see yourself not living there in 5 years, renting is more beneficial.
  • Roaring 20s- It is not that you are too young, but if you are in your 20s, you are better off renting. It is still unknown where life will take you; being locked down in a house is just too soon.
  • Uncertainty Paycheck- If you are job hunting, or planning on a career change, buying a house is not a good investment at this moment. You want to make sure you are on top of your bills at this…

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It’s amazing how many articles lay out a boilerplate strategy on choosing the right real estate company.  Which ones will accomplish the mission of selling your home in today’s market? Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty and understand who and why would be best fit to accomplish the sale of one of your greatest assets.

Look at how the company and agent presents themselves.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck. Even a quick look into a company’s marketing will give you insight into how much effort they’d put into marketing your home.

The quality of the real estate agents or agency marketing materials should give you an idea of how serious they take the property marketing process. Homeowners often overlook the presentation…

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There is a lot of information out there about what to do when selling your home; it can become overwhelming. After TrendingSINY.com posted their Top Ten Tips When Selling Your Home and #DoOrDont: Selling Your Home, we designed a checklist for you to follow that will help. We are here to make this step in your life an easy process.

For more home buying and selling tips, follow our Pinterest Board! 

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The housing market for Staten Island is improving, but it’s not stable quite yet.

Although the number of available homes on the market is still on the low end, more homeowners showed an interest in selling for the month of January. This past month, there was 1772 homes available for sale. Of the 1772 homes, only 292 actually sold in January. The total month’s inventory of 246 took 132 days to sell, meaning it would take roughly 7.2 months to clear out the inventory. 

January proved that there are enough available homes being sold but not enough buyers. For the market to gain traction, people need to continue moving rather than remodeling their current home space.

Home sales in Staten Island…

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