While interior design has changed throughout the years, the enormous change seems to be the kitchen. Remodeling a kitchen takes a lot more planning and thought than just simply redecorating a bedroom. It is beneficial to always be up to date with the latest Kitchen Trends:

  • Eco-Friendly Appliances: Going green is always a top trend. When remodeling your kitchen, choose energy star appliances and green certified building materials.
  • Countertops: While granite and marble countertops are still on top, concrete is making its way up the list. The concrete looks like stone, and will give your kitchen a rustic, modern, and artistic appearance.
  • Title Backsplash: Homeowners are adding this look to their kitchen to give it some extra color. It is also a…

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With the current events happening in the news this pass week, it has come to our attention to inform you how to detect and prevent a gas leak in your household. This knowledge is necessary on how to care for one in case of an emergency or stop one from occurring. 

  • The most common way of detecting that there is a gas leak in your home is a smell of rotten eggs. The leak will also give a hissing or blowing sound.
  • If you believe that there is a gas leak in your house, react quickly! First, leave your home immediately, making sure not to use any electrical devices: light switches and phones, or lighting matches. Any of these things can start a fire. Next, call your gas company to inform them (or 9-1-1 if you do not know your gas company’s number.)…

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February 2014 Real Estate Market Statistics

This is the year to sell your home.  Selling your home in the spring is the best time because this is when there is the largest number of buyers.  Right now, sellers have very little competition! Serious buyers are looking for a home right now, and want to settle into the existing rate before it goes up.

There were only 10 more homes available compared to the previous month of January.  More homes were available on the market during February compared to January 2014, but fewer homes were sold.  February’s current inventory stood at 1877 with only 195 homes sold. 

In terms of speed, it took 123 days to sell 195 homes, and would take 9.62 months to clear out the 1877 homes that were available.  Last year…

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Looking for a tenant? Here are five tips you should be prepared to deal with:

  1. Treat the people who are interviewing to be your tenant as employees. In other words, run a background check, credit check, calling their references and/or previous landlord, and verify their income.
  2. Have a written policy. A lease is one thing, but maybe make a "Do or Don'ts" list for them to follow. This way your rules and perspectives are clear. 
  3. It is important to have rules, but too much rules may cause you more problems than actually help you. Do not be too strict where it is not a fair nor welcoming place to live. 
  4. Be a good landlord. Maintain a respectful relationship with your tenants. If there is a repair they need your help with, respond quickly. They will…

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