The contest is LIVE and voting has begun! The rules in voting include: 

  1. Facebook Likes on video post= 1 point each
  2. Facebook Shares on video post= 1 point each (shares are limited to 5 per day)
  3. YouTube Likes on video= 1 point

See more of the Rules and Information at:

The links for each contestant's video is listed below: 

14 Kenneth Place



18 Zoe Street


1759 Views, 0 Comments

By Enza Maria Drago

Decorating your child’s room is one of the most exciting, yet stressful experiences a parent will have to face. You will have to cater with the demands of what your child wants and what is practical. You look at a room feeling so overwhelmed and ask yourself “where the heck should I begin?” Well then, reading this will help ease that stress and help you understand that this can be a fun activity for you and your child to do together.

The first thing you should do before you begin any project is the measure the space of the room that you are decorating. You must make a plan on what size furniture should be bought and where it should be placed.  Doing this first is important because it can help you dictate where you place…

2761 Views, 0 Comments

We are proud to announce our 2015 Halloween Home Decorating Contestants! 

  1. 14 Kenneth Place
  2. 18 Zoe Street
  3. 26 Santa Monica Lane
  4. 36 Cortelyou Avenue 
  5. 61 Fayette Avenue 
  6. 92 Beacon Avenue
  7. 546 Davis Avenue
  8. 988 Edgegrove Avenue

Do not forget to visit our honorary mentions: 580 Woolley Avenue and 32 Santa Monica Lane, our 2013 and 2014 Halloween Home Decorating Contest winners. These homes still go all out just for you! 

Enjoy the displays! 


1126 Views, 0 Comments

By Enza Drago

The master bathroom is supposed to symbolize your private sanctuary. Therefore, it is important to explore in full range of different layouts before deciding which one is right for your space. This is the one of the rooms where many of my clients love to invest most of their money on, mainly because they want that spa like atmosphere.  

The most popular question that I am always asked is how much does it cost to create my dream master bathroom. I tell them that it depends on style and budget. On average, to remodel a master bathroom can cost up to $9,000, but you can spend less than $5,000 to fix up the essentials needed in the bathroom. There are a couple of my clients who are on a mission to turn their bathroom into a private…

1138 Views, 0 Comments