How Do I Interpret A CMA? [FACEBOOK LIVE]
Posted by Anthony Licciardello on
Are you somewhat mystified by looking at a CMA, aka Comparable Market Analysis? Since this packet can be lengthy and contain lots of information (and can be a bit tedious) we wanted to sit down and go over it with our viewers.
So what is a CMA? Essentially, it is a list of properties comparable to yours- we usually call these "comps." Comps should be located in the same neighborhood and share many of the same traits- square footage, number of bedrooms, garage or basement, and property condition to name a few. Comps should also be sold fairly recently since the real estate market is always changing. Your own home's price today is probably not the same as it was 4 years ago, so you should not be looking at comps that old in a CMA.
When a…
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