Bayview Terrace Park is located in the neighborhood of Annadale. It is made up of about two acres of land between Holdridge Avenue and Bennett Place, below Bayview Terrace and next to the ocean. There used to be a nice beach located next to the park that has submerged under water since the late 1950s. Now the park overlooks what is lef
t of the beach with a 17-foot drop down to it.

Bayview Terrace Park is a garden area created by the local gardeners of the area. Before the local gardeners came along to fix it up, the land used to be a city-owned lot filled with trash. In 1991, the local gardeners leased the land from the City to start cleaning it up. With rising rent prices, they went to Community Board 3 to get their help to transfer the lot to the Department of Parks and Recreation. Finally, with the support of Community Board 3, the Greenbelt Conservancy, The Protectors of Pine Oak Woods, and Green Thumb, the lot got transferred in January of 1997.

The local gardeners turned the trash-filled lot into a beautiful garden that holds a clay-bottom pond, a butterfly garden, vegetable beds, rabbit hutches, birdhouses, and a natural
area. This park was created to be a natural habitat to attract animal and insect species, as well as a place for the community to relax in. The gardeners use a method of natural cultivation to maintain the garden and a healthy ecosystem. The butterfly garden holds herbs--such as basil, lavender, and rosemary--to attract more than 30 species of butterflies. The natural area is an empty space in the garden that is left alone to attract the insects and animals that help pollinate the plants. This is also one of the two Purple Martin colonies on Staten Island--the other being in Lemon Creek Park.

Posted by Anthony Licciardello on


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