Carlton Park is located on the South Shore of Staten Island, in the neighborhood of Woodrow. This is a small park that is only about two acres in size. It is bounded by streets on three sides, and houses on the last side. The stree
ts that border the park are Carlton Avenue, Foster Road, and Drumgoole Road West.

In the 1900s, this area was known as Little Farms. It was named by Wood Harmon, a real estate development company. At that time, Carlton Avenue was one of the main streets in the community. There is no certainty how this name came about, but it has stuck throughout the years and changes.

From 1928 to 1939, Carlton Park was the site of a public elementary school. The New York City Board of Education relinquished this site as a public school in 1939. By 1940, the New York City Board of Estimate transferred this parcel of land to the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. It wasn't until 1985 that the park received the name of Carlton Park. 

When Carlton Park first opened, it was just an open grass field. However, with the renovations by the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation in 1994, today the park holds a grass field, a basketball court, and a play
unit. The grass field is used for many different things. There are children and youth sports leagues that use the area to practice and play games, it can be used as a free play area for children and it can be just a relaxing place to sit. There are not many trees in the grass field, but if you need shade, there is a woodland area by the play unit.

Posted by Anthony Licciardello on


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