Deere Park, State Island...Not because there's Deer.
Posted by Anthony Licciardello on
When most people in the United States hear the name "Deere", they think of John Deere; and rightly so, as he is arguably the most famous of his family in the country. For those of you who are only aware of his name's current use as a brand name, John Deere was a blacksmith during the nineteenth century. From Rutland, Vermont, Deere moved to Grand Detour, Illinois in 1836, at the age of thirty-two. The following year, in 1837, John Deere opened a shop which dealt with the production of small tools. That same year, he invented the first successful cast-steel plow.
John Deere would often have people come in to his shop to purchase a plow. It would take some time for them to receive it, though, as he would have to construct it first. Deere soon…
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