Crescent Beach Park is located in Staten Island's neighborhood of Great Kills. The park is mostly beach area but does contain a natural woodland area and facilities such as a playground, and an off-leash dog area. Crescent Beach Park is located below Tennyson Drive. It is between the streets of Wiman Avenue and Hales Avenue.


Crescent Beach Park gets its name from the crescent-shaped sandbar that appears at low tide off the beach by Wiman Avenue. In 1995, the Department of General Services assigned approximately 27 acres of this land to the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. By 1999 the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation obtained all the land that is part of Crescent Beach Park today. They received the other parcel, which consists of approximately 40 acres of land, from the Department of Citywide Administration Services.

Crescent Beach Park has great views of Great Kills Harbor and Raritan Bay, from all points of the park. The playground is located at the end of Armstrong Avenue. It consists of an open field, a play unit, and a path that leads down to the beach. The off-leash dog area is located on the corner of Tennyson Drive and Glover Avenue. The dogs are allowed to be off the leash in the meadow up until it reaches the beach. The natural woodland area is located at the bottom of the park at Hales Avenue. These woodlands give natural habitats to the many species of animals that live here.

Posted by Anthony Licciardello on


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