It does not matter whether your roommate and you are best friends or a stranger you got from craigslist, decorating with two different personalities can be a challenge. This will take a lot of compromise, decisions, and sacrifice. Do not get frustrated. While this is a challenge, it is achievable!

  • Find your middle ground: Before you start anything, or even purchase anything, sit down with your roommate and begin a plan. Begin brainstorming each other’s style; make a color palette, and maybe even a visual board on Pinterest! Eliminate the things you two dislike. You will both be living in the space, you do not want to hate the space. Be sure to consider the budget you are working with.
  • Pulling it together: If this is not your first apartment, more than likely you and your roommate will already have your own furniture. There is no need to get rid of these pieces. Instead, combine your furniture with a few inexpensive and easy fixes: painting or refinishing some key pieces, changing knobs, purchasing slip covers or throw pillows, and different types of art or pictures in matching picture frames. For the extra furniture, try to sell or donate it, or put it in storage. Never try to fit two couches in a living room that can only fit one.
  • Spilt the difference: Just like you two compromised with the home dĂ©cor, you must also comprise with the bill or the stuff you purchase. Once again, you both live there, you will both use it.
  • Embrace your bedroom: Your living room and kitchen may not be 100% of what you wanted it to look like, but on the plus side, you get to do what you want with your bedroom! So let your style shine in your room, while you still can! Once you move in with a significant other, this rule no longer applies.

We hope these tips help. Remember that staying on good terms with your roommate will make living together a breeze.  Are you living with a roommate? Are there any extra decorating tips you can share? We’d love to hear from you! Join our conversation on Facebook!

Posted by Anthony Licciardello on
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