Halloween is tomorrow! The air is filled with excited kids ready to dress up and go trick-or-treating and partygoers ready to have fun! Whether you’re just handing out candy or if you are throwing a Halloween party, make sure you home’s property is ready and open to the public while dodging insurance claims and lawsuits!
- Visible path: To ensure visitors can see your path clearly, keep your lights on and make sure there are no decorations blocking the pathway to your door. This can avoid injuries, while allowing trick-or-treaters to know you still have candy.
- Avoid open flames: While candles can set the dim-lighting mood or perfect scent within your home, they can also cause a terrible fire if knocked over. If you are throwing a Halloween party, and alcohol will be involve, consider getting battery powered lanterns and candles. Considering that the night will be beautiful out tomorrow, reconsider any fire pits you might have had planned on doing.
- Jack-O-Lantern safety: You are going to want to show off any pumpkin cravings you have done. Instead of using a real candle, you can also use the battery-powered light for this as well.
- What to serve tomorrow: Only offer commercially packaged treats and candy to visiting trick-or-treaters. If you are throwing a party with alcoholic beverages, make sure none of your guest leave your party and drive drunk! And for precaution, if you are using dry ice as a party decoration, put a sign up informing people not to use this ice in their drinks; dry ice can cause digestive problems if ingested.
Before tomorrow, just test and make sure your fire alarm is working properly as well as your home security system.
Have a safe and Happy Halloween!
Posted by Anthony Licciardello on
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