Chores are not always fun, but having a clean house is always delightful. Ditch the old one day dedicated to cleaning and break up the task daily. To make it even easier, we have already broken up the various necessary chores into daily sessions that can be accomplish as short as 20 minutes a day!  This schedule will keep you home always neat and tidy and even allows you to relax on Sundays! 

Monday's - Dust: Start the week off with an easy take. Simply dusk off the furniture, shelves, tabletops, and television. 

Tuesday's - Clean Floors: Sweep your wood and tiled floors. Choose to vacuum instead if you have the spare time, or especially if you have carpeted floors. Mop any room that needs the extra scrub. 

Wednesday's - Clean the Bathrooms: Cleaning your bathrooms once a week will prevent dirt from building up. Scrub the toilet and sink, then wipe down the counters and mirrors. Finally, clean the tub and shower walls. Once you complete this task, you'll be thankful you already cleaned the floors the day before!

Thursday's - Clean the Kitchen: This one task is not too difficult since you already clean the kitchen a little bit each time you cook. Focus on areas you do not clean as often, such as the inside of the refrigerator and microwave. Give the stovetop and sink a good scrub too! 

Friday's - Declutter: We know that last thing you want to do on a Friday night is clean. That is why this day's task is simple: declutter and put away! Go through each room in your home and put away any loose items, papers, or clutter laying around that had accumulated over the week. 

Saturday's - Laundry: This does not only mean your clothes! Clean and change the sheets on your bed too. 

Enjoy your clean house homeowners!  

Posted by Anthony Licciardello on
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