Here in Staten Island, we want to keep on top of what is being built in our neighborhoods!

Whether you're the type who goes to town halls as a concerned citizen or you just wanna have fun, we wanted to do a segment all about the large-scale developments soon to be completed and opened on Staten Island! From the North to the South Shore and in-between, we have collected an array of different developments that we'll take you through, one by one!

We'll be getting some awesome and unique new shop and restaurant concepts, including a restaurant and craft beer house inside a cinema! With added amenities comes added value; these commercial developments may enhance the area and cause a rise in real estate and home values here in the fifth borough of New York City.

But we aren't only talking retail or leisure options. On this list, we also go into two different housing developments for an often neglected demographic- senior citizens. What options will be opening up for the elderly?

Which ones are you looking forward to the most? Are you pro-development or against it, preferring more open space? Join PR Director Hannah Jay and Broker/Co-Owner Anthony Licciardello below to find out all the details for these large-scale developments!


Posted by Anthony Licciardello on


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