A new $100 million dollar project is coming to South Beach streets. The plan will repair roadways and add sewers due to the flooding that occurs in this neighborhood.

The city began work last month on improving drainage, rebuilding roadways, and upgrading the South Beach drinking water distribution system. This will tackle the heavy flooding that occurs during heavy rainfalls.

The neighborhood currently has a small number of catch basins. The storm sewers are very limited and cannot handle the heavy rainfalls. This project will fix this issue. The Department of Environmental Protection stated that the neighborhood will receive installation of over 3 miles of new sewers, 225 new catch basins, and rebuilding almost 4 miles of existing sanitary sewer systems.

There will also be a rebuilt of sidewalks, curbs, and roadways to help water collected by storms drain properly into the catch basins and sewers. Finally, this project will also remove the cast iron water mains built in the 1920s, being replaced with about 5 miles of ductile iron pipes to supply drinking water and allow 90 new fire hydrants. This neighborhood should also except 85 new street lights and 400 newly planted trees, all completed by 2020.

Hylan Boulevard will also witness flood prevention, with plans to build a 20-foot high levee on the Boulevard and add a seawall along the Staten Island coastline. This plan has recently been approved to begin!

Overall, there is a $579 million dollar storm prevention plan to protect the East Shore of Staten Island from another storm, similar to Hurricane Sandy. The first phrase has been finished months ahead of schedule, moving into the design, engineering, and architect phrase.

The plan will call for the installation of the levee on a section of Hylan Blvd in Oakwood. The structure will be able to be closed during storms. The levee will lead into a mixture of buried seawall. The levee will be made of stone that will run across the shoreline until Fort Wadsworth.

The construction of the seawall is excepted to begin in late 2018, early 2019. This project was originally mentioned back in 2013 for New Dorp Beach and South Beach. The first scheduled date of construction was not to start until 2022 but after many complaints the city, the moved it to 2017. However, with minor delays, it will begin in 2018. 

Posted by Anthony Licciardello on
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