The Staten Island Zoo is also known as Barrett Park
Posted by Anthony Licciardello on
Barrett Park, which is now known as the Staten Island Zoo, is located in the neighborhood of West Brighton, near Clove Lake and Sunset Hill. It is situated between Clove Road, Broadway, and Glenwood Place.
In 1930, Julia Hardin willed this property to the City of New York, but under certain terms. These terms were that it would be named after Major Clarence T. Barrett, Hardin's brother-in-law; that it would not be used for a playground; and that her husband, Edward, would be allowed to continue to live in the house on the property. This site used to be the home of Major Clarence T. Barrett, which was where he also operated his plant nursery.
The Barretts were one of the more prominent families living on Staten Island. Clarence Barrett was able to…
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