Found 21 blog entries tagged as Endview St..

A home sale of 10 ENDVIEW STREET located in Annadale, Staten Island NY 10312 and was recorded publicly on 2/27/2004. Public records show The real estate classification of the property is noted as a one family home. The house block is 6403 and lot is 18. The home's estimated living space is 6,150 square feet on 1,661 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 2004 and sold for $375,180.The townhouse was sold as new home construction and was tax abated at the time of sale.

Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data. Property tax assessments in New York City are determined by estimated home values based on reported comparable neighborhood home sales. If a home sale price is listed as N/A it means the property…

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A home sale of 60 ENDVIEW STREET located in Annadale, Staten Island NY 10312 and was recorded publicly on 4/22/2004. Public records show The real estate classification of the property is noted as a one-family home. The house block is 6220 and lot is 72. The home's estimated living space is 1,816 square feet on 3,605 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 2003 and sold for $364,939.This home was newly built at the time of sale. The new construction homes on Endview St. were also tax abated at the time of sale.

Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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A home sale of 58 ENDVIEW STREET located in Annadale, Staten Island NY 10312 and was recorded publicly on 4/14/20044. Public records show The real estate classification of the property is noted as a one-family home. The house block is 6220 and lot is 71. The home's estimated living space is 1,816 square feet on 1,648 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 2003 and sold for $344,659.This home was newly built at the time of sale. The new construction homes on Endview St. Staten Island were also tax abated at the time of sale.

Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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A home sale of 56 ENDVIEW STREET located in Annadale, Staten Island NY 10312 and was recorded publicly on 4/5/2004. Public records show The real estate classification of the property is noted as a one-family home. The house block is 6220 and lot is 70. The home's estimated living space is 1,816 square feet on 1,648 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 2003 and sold for $354,999.This home was newly built at the time of sale. The new construction homes on Endview St. were also tax abated at the time of sale.

Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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A home sale of 54 ENDVIEW STREET located in Annadale, Staten Island NY 10312 and was recorded publicly on 4/1/2004. Public records show The real estate classification of the property is noted as a one-family home. The house block is 6220 and lot is 69. The home's estimated living space is 1,816 square feet on 1,648 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 2003 and sold for $344,659.This home was newly built at the time of sale. The new construction homes on Endview St. were also tax abated at the time of sale.

Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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A home sale of 52 ENDVIEW STREET located in Annadale, Staten Island NY 10312 and was recorded publicly on 4/13/2004. Public records show The real estate classification of the property is noted as a one-family home. The house block is 6220 and lot is 68. The home's estimated living space is 1,816 square feet on 1,648 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 2003 and sold for $344,659.This home was newly built at the time of sale. The homes on Endview St. were also tax abated at the time of sale.

Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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A home sale of 50 ENDVIEW STREET located in Annadale, Staten Island NY 10312 and was recorded publicly on 3/25/2004. Public records show The real estate classification of the property is noted as a one-family home. The house block is 6220 and lot is 67. The home's estimated living space is 1,816 square feet on 1,648 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 2003 and sold for $344,659.

Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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A home sale of 48 ENDVIEW STREET located in Annadale, Staten Island NY 10312 and was recorded publicly on 3/26/2004. Public records show The real estate classification of the property is noted as a one-family home. The house block is 6220 and lot is 66. The home's estimated living space is 1,816 square feet on 1,648 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 2003 and sold for $344,659.

Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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A home sale of 46 ENDVIEW STREET located in Annadale, Staten Island NY 10312 and was recorded publicly on 4/7/2004. Public records show The real estate classification of the property is noted as a one-family home. The house block is 6220 and lot is 65. The home's estimated living space is 1,648 square feet on 2,678 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 2003 and sold for $385,219.

Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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A home sale of 40 ENDVIEW STREET located in Annadale, Staten Island NY 10312 and was recorded publicly on 3/17/2004. Public records show The real estate classification of the property is noted as a one-family home. The house block is 6220 and lot is 63. The home's estimated living space is 1,648 square feet on 1,816 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 2003 and sold for $339,000. This Townhouse was new construction at the time of purchase.

Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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