Found 15 blog entries tagged as realestatesiny.

Is your home ready for the new month? Here is task to get done around your house for the month of April: 

  • Inspect garden hoses for leaks. If any, temporary repair them with electrical tape until you can replace the hose with a new one. Do the same for your washing machine; Shut off the water to the washing machine, remove any water supply in the hoses and examine them, as well as the machine. Replace if anything is worn or damaged. 
  • Inspect all screens: vents and windows - from the attic to crawl spaces. Clean the window screens: lay them flat on an outside table and scrub them with a soft bristle brush using a mild detergent. Rinse with a garden hose and allow to dry completely before putting them back in place. 
  • Inspect outdoor structure…

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Stay busy this summer by visiting and exploring some of our amazing Greenbelt parks. There are many events happening all summer long that are free and active! 

Cleaning and Maintaining Westerleigh Park

Gather every Saturday morning from 9:00am to noon at Westerleigh Park to help in maintaining the beauty of the park with raking, planting, and gardening. There will even be coffee and donuts for the volunteers. 

Independence Day Celebration

Enjoy your Fourth of July for the annual viewing of fireworks displays at the Alice Austen Park. The event begins at 6pm.

Movies in the Park: Jurassic Park

Bring a blanket, or towel, and enjoy this thrilling movie outside under the night sky. This movie will be held at Willowbrook Park from 8:30pm…

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When making your plans for your vacation getaway, do not forget to include your home in these plans. There are things you are going to want to make sure get taken care of as well as things you want to make sure never happen! 

  • Ask a family member or friend to look after your house, or even a neighbor you trust. They can stop by your house to feed and walk your pet, bring in the newspaper and mail, and water your plants. Double score if you can get a relative or friend to live in your house for that time frame. If not, there are services that will come and care for your house when you are away.
  • You can even call the post office and ask them to hold your mail for the days you are away. This is a free feature thanks to the services of the United…

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We want to make sure your yard is ready for the summer! The last thing you want is to not be prepared for backyard fun in the sun days, so let us get started!

  • A properly maintained garden: A garden is not a need for your yard, but it does dress it up, and is good for the environment! If you know you will not have time to take care of a garden, opt for drought-tolerant plants. They do not need as much care and can survive through rainy days or the summer heat.
  • Furniture: No need to worry about if you took cushions inside anymore! There are now outdoor sets that are made with acrylic fabric and are fade resistant and waterproof! You can now create a permanent outdoor living set up!
  • Cooking space: Create a space needed for efficient prepping,…

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When a disaster strike within your home, you feel a little relief knowing your home insurance will be there to pick up the pieces. But did you know there are certain things that are not covered? It is always important to read the fine print and know what your plan covers. Here is a general list of damages most insurance policies do not cover and how to prevent them from occurring:

  • Mold. There are about 1,000 different species of mold. Not only does it look disgusting, it is also a health risk, especially for people with allergies or breathing problems. Standard homeowner insurance limits its coverage for mold outbreaks. Prevention: contain moisture in your home. If your basement, doorways, or windows leak during a rainstorm, or if a pipe leaks,…

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It is becoming a common lawsuit in states like California and Colorado against properties without disability access. Do not let that be yout case! If someone in your household (family member, tenant, or renters) needs a wheelchair to get around, you are going to want to equip the home to benefit their needs and promote safety for them. 

  • Begin with the home’s entrance. The cost to build a ramp varies depending on the materials and size of the entrance. The ramp should include handrails, non-slip surface, and a cover. If a ramp will make your exterior look cluttered, consider investing in a vertical platform ramp. Also consider installing the ramps or platform at every entrance for the house.
  • Stairs: If the home is more than one floor, invest in a…

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“Your bathroom is the size of my apartment!” Did you ever think that was a bit of an exaggeration until you lived in your very own apartment and realized the statement can stand true? Here are ways to make the most of your space:

  • Furniture with storage. Not only does it serve its initial purpose, but will also helps declutter. Consider getting a storage ottoman, television stand with shelves, a coffee table with an opening top, and a bed with draws under it. All this storage will be helpful in the long run. 
  • Fold away table. Want a table to eat on but do not want to give up the space? Consider a collapsible table or even a fold-up wall table.
  • Need extra storage? Carrie Bradshaw had the right idea when she stored stuff in her oven. You do not…

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While interior design has changed throughout the years, the enormous change seems to be the kitchen. Remodeling a kitchen takes a lot more planning and thought than just simply redecorating a bedroom. It is beneficial to always be up to date with the latest Kitchen Trends:

  • Eco-Friendly Appliances: Going green is always a top trend. When remodeling your kitchen, choose energy star appliances and green certified building materials.
  • Countertops: While granite and marble countertops are still on top, concrete is making its way up the list. The concrete looks like stone, and will give your kitchen a rustic, modern, and artistic appearance.
  • Title Backsplash: Homeowners are adding this look to their kitchen to give it some extra color. It is also a…

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With the current events happening in the news this pass week, it has come to our attention to inform you how to detect and prevent a gas leak in your household. This knowledge is necessary on how to care for one in case of an emergency or stop one from occurring. 

  • The most common way of detecting that there is a gas leak in your home is a smell of rotten eggs. The leak will also give a hissing or blowing sound.
  • If you believe that there is a gas leak in your house, react quickly! First, leave your home immediately, making sure not to use any electrical devices: light switches and phones, or lighting matches. Any of these things can start a fire. Next, call your gas company to inform them (or 9-1-1 if you do not know your gas company’s number.)…

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Looking for a tenant? Here are five tips you should be prepared to deal with:

  1. Treat the people who are interviewing to be your tenant as employees. In other words, run a background check, credit check, calling their references and/or previous landlord, and verify their income.
  2. Have a written policy. A lease is one thing, but maybe make a "Do or Don'ts" list for them to follow. This way your rules and perspectives are clear. 
  3. It is important to have rules, but too much rules may cause you more problems than actually help you. Do not be too strict where it is not a fair nor welcoming place to live. 
  4. Be a good landlord. Maintain a respectful relationship with your tenants. If there is a repair they need your help with, respond quickly. They will…

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