New York City Residential Building Zone R3-2


R3-2 zoning allows attached, semi-detached, and detached housing. With the new construction of townhomes, land lots must have a front yard with a depth of at least fifteen feet and a rear yard of at least thirty feet. Each lot must also have its own off-street parking space. This zone is commonly seen as row houses or townhouse developments. private streets associated with a development must have met New York City street size requirements to be constructed. This was a change implemented in 2004 under Staten Island's Growth Management Task Force recommendation.

Detached houses must have a lot width of at least forty feet and a lot area of at least 3,800 square feet. The two required side yards must be at least five feet each, but they must also add up to thirteen total feet.

Any other types of housing in this zone must have a lot width of at least eighteen feet and a lot area of at least 1,700 square feet. These lots must have one side yard of at least eight feet.

R3-2 zoning can be found all over Staten Island. A good example would be the small community in Staten Island’s neighborhood of Graniteville, bounded by the Baron Hirsh Cemetery, the Staten Island Expressway, and Richmond Avenue. They are also located in the Staten Island Neighborhoods of Annadale, Great Kills, Eltingville, to name a few.