New York City Residential Buiding Code R1-2

New York City Residential R1-2

R1-2 zoning allows for the same large, single-family detached houses as R1-1 zones. The lot width for this zone should be a minimum of sixty feet, while the lot area should be a minimum of 5,700 square feet. Similar to R1-1 zoning, lots in R1-2 zones must have a front yard at least twenty feet deep, with the rear yard at least thirty feet. The two required side yards must be equivalent to at least twenty feet, with each being at least eight feet wide. The required parking for R1-2 zoning is one off-street parking space.

R1-2 zoning can be found mostly in the North and South shores of Staten Island. A good example in the Mid-Island section of Staten Island, however, is the Lighthouse Hill community.