Andrew Eddy

Andrew EddyWilliam Eddy was a New Jersey native who served as a soldier in the Revolutionary War. After he was discharged from service, he married Catherine Du Bois, a Staten Island native from Huguenot. They went on to have many children and raise them on Staten Island. In 1831, William Eddy died at the age of 78 years old, and Catherine passed in 1832 at the age of 70 years old.

Their son, Andrew Eddy, was born on April 3rd, 1801, in Woodrow. During his childhood years, he worked on a farm, only attending school during the winter months. Later on, as he got older, he taught himself a trade, independently becoming a carpenter. From there, he became employed for the next six months.

He was later elected as the constable and collector for Westfield township when he decided to embark in the public. The Westfield township was created in 1788; it was one of the four original Staten Island towns. The townships were dissolved in 1898. Eddy was elected to supervise the town as an assessor for two terms. Eddy was unsatisfied with this position and remained idle for official duties. Instead, he engaged in mercantile pursuits at Woodrow and resumed the labor of the farm.

In 1822, he married Catherine Poillon and they had four children together. After his wife passed away on August 20th, 1878, he continued working on the farm until 1884. He moved on to build a dwelling in Tottenville, where he resigned in for a quiet retirement. Leaving his politics behind, he turned to the church, becoming the Methodist Episcopal Church's treasurer and trustee in the Woodrow location.

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