Found 2 blog entries tagged as St Paul's Ave..

Histoic Deginated home on St. Paul's Ave., Staten IslandIn 1887, a handful of houses were constructed in the Queen Anne architectural style. These were 18 Marion Avenue, which was built for George P. Savacool and sold the following year to Henry M. Cattermole, a ferry captain who had operated the ferry between Manhattan and Staten Island at the age of twenty; 387 St. Paul's Avenue, which was designed by Hugo Kafka, Sr, of the firm Kafka & Lindenmeyr, for brewery owner George Bechtel, who had it built for his daughter Anna and her husband Leonard Weiderer; 403 St. Paul's Avenue, which was built for merchant John C. Siemer; and 413 St. Paul's Avenue, another home built by Siemer, possibly for his daughter Margaretha.

A few of the Queen Anne houses consisted of Shingle-style elements. These included 239 St.…

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Stapleton Heights Historic District SignIn March of 2004, a public hearing was held by the Landmarks Preservation Commission in which twenty-one speakers testified in favor of making an area of Staten Island a Historic District. Their area of choice was located in Stapleton Heights, along a section of St. Paul's Avenue and portions of neighboring streets. These streets include Cebra Avenue, Dyson Street, Marion Avenue, Occident Avenue, Pommer Avenue, Taxter Place, and Trossach Road. In August of that same year, they addressed their proposal to the City Council. One month later, it was accepted.

In 1807, Daniel D. Tompkins became the Governor of the State of New York. During his time as governor, Tompkins purchased over 600 acres of land on Staten Island. In 1816, the village of…

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