A publicly recorded property sale of 552 MAIN STREET located in Tottenville, Staten Island was recorded 1/2/2003. The home is classified as a single family home. The homes block is 610 and lot is 74. The homes living space is 2242 square feet on 2375 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 1995 and was sold for $360,000. Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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A publicly recorded property sale of 56 SUNNYSIDE TERRACE located in Sunnyside, Staten Island was recorded 1/2/2003. The home is classified as a single family home. The homes block is 610 and lot is 74. The homes living space is 2148 square feet on 3800 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 1965 and was sold without money considerations. Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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A publicly recorded property sale of 20 RUTHERFORD COURT located in Rossville, Staten Island was recorded 1/2/2003. The home is classified as a single family home. The homes block is 7054 and lot is 488. The homes living space is 1260 square feet on 1200 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 1997 and was sold for $243000 Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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A publicly recorded property sale of 44 GRAFE STREET located in Rossville, Staten Island was reported 1/2/2003. The home is classified as a single family home. The homes block is 6159 and lot is 33. The homes living space is 1220 square feet on 3313 square feet of land. The construction date of this house was recorded in 1994 and was sold for $370,000 Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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A publicly recorded property sale of 2 ELMWOOD PARK DRIVE located in Heartland Village, Staten Island was recorded 1/2/2003. The home is classified as a condo. The homes block is 1733 and lot is 1981. The homes living space is 649 square feet on 0 square feet of land. The construction date of this condo was recorded in 1983 and was sold without money considerations Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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A publicly recorded property sale of 40 DONNA COURT located in Heartland Village, Staten Island was recorded 1/2/2003. The home is classified as a condo. The homes block is 2450 and lot is 1981. The homes living space is 853 square feet on 0 square feet of land. The construction date of this condo was recorded in 1982 and was sold for $$192,000 Source: New York City Department of Finance home sale data.

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A publicly recorded property sale of 39 STONE LANE located in Heartland Village, Staten Island was recorded 1/2/2003. The home is classified as a condo. The homes block is 2440 and lot is 3158. The homes living space is 1008 square feet on 0 square feet of land. The construction date of this condo was recorded in 1982 and was sold for $109,000.. Source: New York City Department of Finance.

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The New York City Department of Finance publicaly recorded the sale of 78 COUNTRY DRIVE SOUTH located in Heartland Village, Staten Island 10314. The home is classified as a one family home. The homes block is 2402 and lot is 146. The homes living space is 1360 square feet on 600 square feet of land. The construction date of this home was recorded in 1992 and was sold for $255,000. Date of sale on this home was recorded 1/2/2003.

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The New York City Department of Finance publicaly recorded the sale of 18 KINGDOM AVENUE located in Huguenot, Staten Island. The home is classified as a two family home. The homes block is 6579 and lot is 30. The homes living space is 4800 square feet on 13000 square feet of land. The construction date of this home was recorded in 1988 and was sold for without cash consideration. Date of sale on this home was recorded 1/2/2003. This homes size would likely put this home in the luxury home segment.

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The New York City Department of Finance publicaly recorded the sale of 671 RATHBUN AVENUE located in Huguenot, Staten Island. The home is classified as a single family home. The homes block is 6843 and lot is 100. The homes living space is 2180  square feet on  4500 square feet of land. The construction date of this home was recorded in 1970 and was sold for $390,000. Date of sale was recorded 1/2/2003.

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