Find out what certain home styles offer you when your looking into the purchase of a home. Here you can get a comprehensive overview of what types of Staten Island homes exist and what you will find once inside.

The majority of today's society has heard of the Salem Witch Trials of late-seventeenth-century Massachusetts. Those who are familiar with the origins of the trials know that the mass hysteria erupted due to the beliefs of Puritans. The Puritans were English Protestants, similar to the French Huguenots we speak of so often on here, who had a very strict belief system. They believed that anyEnglish Style Colonial Home Staen Island hardships they had were due to the work of the devil and that anybody who strayed even the slightest from their beliefs was in cahoots with the devil, and persecuted as a witch.

These beliefs began with the Puritans in England and accompanied them in the years between 1620 and 1640, when the "Great Migration" took place to New England, in America. While their…

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Federal Style Home in Silver Lake Ct., Staten Island NYThe American Revolutionary War took place between the thirteen well-known North American colonies and the British Empire between the years of 1775 and 1783. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was approved by Congress and the United States of America was established. The time period from the end of the 1780s until the turn of that century was known as the Federalist Era, due to the prominence of Federalists, who supported George Washington, as opposed to Thomas Jefferson.

During the War, a new architectural style was introduced to the United States. The style began as the Adam Style, which was named for the Scottish brothers, Robert and James Adam. The Adam brothers had study ancient monuments and used this style as inspiration for…

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The Dutch Colonial Home... A mainstay of the architectural lanscape of Staten Island's more established communities.

Dutch Colonail Home on College Ave. WesterleighAs you may know, Henry Hudson explored the eastern shore of the United States in 1609. This exploration led to a settlement being established in 1613, which in turn led to the creation of New Netherland, which included parts of Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. The primary motive for settling in this area was to trade with the Indians, who inhabited the land. Eventually, more Dutch emigrants settled in the area, along with Huguenots, who were fleeing Europe, and began to build homes for themselves out of stone and wood. The signature style that was used in Delaware, New Jersey, New York and…

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Queen Ann Style, St. Pauls Ave. Staten IslandQueen Anne ruled Great Britain from March 8, 1702 until May 1, 1707. During her reign, art and science progressed. The architect Sir John Vanbrugh, for example, designed many new buildings during her time. By 1870's, the name Queen Anne became a popular name for houses of a certain type of architecture in Britain. By 1880, the name Queen Anne was used to classify houses being built in the United States. None of these three architectural styles, however, have anything to do with one another.

Up until about 1910, Queen Anne-style houses were very popular in the United States. There are several distinguishing features which classify the architectural style. For the most part, Queen Anne-style houses have delicate, turned spindles. Others may just…

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Greek Revival Style, The Seguine Mansion Princes Bay

In 1762, "The Antiquities of Athens and Other Monuments of Greece" was published by James Stuart and Nicholas Revett, two architects from England who had travelled to Greece to study its ancient architecture. Upon their return from Greece, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Lyttelton, had Stuart create Hagley Hall, the first Greek building to be constructed in England. Many architects used this newfound style for ideas, but it was kept quiet until the nineteenth century. During the early years of the 1800's, William Wilkins went on to be become a prominent architect of the Greek Revival-style in England.

"The Antiquities of Athens and Other Monuments of Greece" was not only popular among architects in England. In 1803, President Thomas…

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Tudor Home Style Staten IslandThe reign of the Tudor dynasty in England began in 1485 and ended in 1603. During this time, the architectural Tudor-style was introduced. This style mimicked some of the aspects of Medieval cottages. The characteristics of Tudor-style houses included black-and-white half-timbering; porches with pillars to support a jettied gallery above; thatched roofs with high chimneys; cross gables; tall, narrow doors; and tall, narrow and mullioned windows. The Tudor-style home also made use of the Tudor arch, which normally has more width than it does height, with a pointed apex that seems to have been crushed. (Pictured left Tudor Style Home in Randall Manor, Staten Island)

During the nineteenth century, revivalisms were being done of past architectural…

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The Renaissance, which roughly translates to "rebirth", began in Florence, Italy during the fourteenth century.  This movement called for a change in the culture of Florence.  The rebirth took advantage of the art, literature, politics, religion, and science.  By the fifteenth century, the art portion had spread to the city's architecture.  This change in architecture was based mostly on symmetry and spread from Florence, to the rest of Italy, and finally to the rest of Europe.  The Renaissance lasted until the early seventeenth century, which brought again a change in the architecture.italianate style Home landmark property New Dorp

By the nineteenth century, a change needed to be made to the symmetrical buildings populating Europe.  In 1802, the first significant change in architecture was…

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During the early part of the 19th century, France was ruled by Napoleon Bonaparte, or Napoleon I.  His empire, which he ruled from 1804-1814, was known as the First French Empire.  During his Second Empire Home Tottenvillereign, Napoleon gained the support of his people through means such as his Napoleonic Code, which stated that men could get jobs based on talent, rather than genetics or social class.

Napoleon's popularity resulted in the architectural movement Empire style, which lasted way past his reign, until 1830.In 1848, Napoleon I's nephew, Napoleon III, became the ruler of France.  During his reign, which was known as the Second French Empire, Napoleon III had Paris rebuilt and redesigned.  His style of architecture, which began in 1855, became known as Second Empire. …

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The Center Hall Colonial has become synonymous with the development of new homes both in Staten Island and across the country. 
However, the stately nature of the Center Hall Colonial home draws its roots from over two centuries ago. Today, the home has become a fan favorite of today's home buyer, especially when it comes to the high end and luxury home segment.

The Center Hall Colonial is a home that basically, likes the name suggests, has is the main access corridor through the middle of the home. The home is generally symmetrical in nature its and the floor plan is basically allocated into four rooms on the first floor, family room, formal living room, dining room, and kitchen, with the homes main corridor equally dividing each room.

The Center…

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Its common in real estate to hear acronyms used, but not have a complete understanding of what it means. So, what does it mean when some says "I am looking am looking for a 6 over 6 home"?

6 over 6 in Great Kills, Staten IslandIn the late 1950's with the advent of the hi-ranch style home saw its mark being made on Staten Island. It was a time that tract building took over the new construction scene here. It was also a time that saw the first 6 over 6 hi-ranch homes. However, they were never built mass and while many hi-ranch homes exist on Staten Island finding these types of two family homes. (Pictured left)

As a matter of fact, we're seeing quite a bit of new construction 6 over 6 homes in the last couple of years. Demand for these two family homes seems to be peaking, surprisingly…

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